Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Star Wars

Someone has taken the description of it as a 'space western' a little too literally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I aim not to sow the seeds of discord or be mordant (right word?) but star wars is a lesser film... the return of the Jedi... agh, ithe franchise has me again. Lucas games are ok...

which, funnily enough, I got from the book on Haiti. In Southern Haiti there is a place called Les Cayes which makes rum. In producing rum, the crates full of rum are branded with Aux Cayes. The rum is of good quality, so that whenever the USA stevedores (interesting word, not sure, customs official by another name?) look at the crates with Aux Cayes on it, they pass it without inspecting what is inside as quality is guaranteed, as the crate is Aux Cayes...