Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Honduras 0-1 Chile

Lety Elvir (1966- )

El puente

He tenido que morder piedras
morir un poco
dejar la soga para otro día
remar, remar
marchitar olas
hasta cruzar el Puente
sin que se partiera en dos.

Eduardo Anguita (1914-1992)

Posición de combate del viajero

Como espadas de luz, portando al cinto
imperiales abejas de azul pelo,
desciende a la destreza de mi vuelo,
pelea el sol contra mi avión jacinto.

Ruedas de nácar de diurnal instinto,
plumas de luna, hélices del hielo,
cortan las cuerdas y la crin del cielo
del día muerto en un misal corinto.

Ay, marino celeste, derrotado
por sus bélicas flores, no te vayas
sin brillar con tu sable de grosella.

Que aunque estén las medusas de tu lado,
¡tú, soldado, perdieras las batallas,
y tú, aviador, quebraras las estrellas!

[I would have liked to include a poem by my absolute favourite Chilean poet, Jenaro Gajardo Vera, but he has no internet presence for his poetry, his work having been overshadowed by one major event in his life. He was refused membership of a Talca social club (I can find no pictures to show me just how social this club was) in 1953, on the grounds of having no substantial property of his own. He therefore staked a claim to the Moon; which claim, having been published in three successive editions of the official Government Bulletin without being challenged, was accepted as true. Now the bona fide owner of the Moon, he was allowed to join the club. He never paid taxes on the property, because he insisted that the Revenue Commission assess and measure it before charging him.]

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