Sunday, June 27, 2010

Paraguay 0-0 New Zealand

Lía Colombino (1974- )

El elogio de mis pies
mis manos cantan la
esa una
pena / una

El sonido de mis pies
gotas de agua que van descalzas trayendo lluvia

El color de mis pies
ningún blanco es tan verde

La voz de mis pies

Ellos corren a un lugar obscuro
cerca del miedo
cada vez más lejos
donde el reptil no mira sus costados.

Stephanie de Montalk (A lady never tells her age)

They Are Shrinking
the sea
and placing the sun

at the pale edge
of dust

but they dream

of summers
on pastoral plains

and short winters

and the promise
of salt on the land
that is left—

the crude promise of salt

to be swept
into piles
and sent to the city

in search of

and one-bedroomed flats

and other

And they dream

of trouble
with crows—
but crows

they can handle—

and skin disease
and outbreaks of plague

and the demise
of small birds
and boats stranded
on plains

and life forms
without homes
on unstable horizons—
but horizons

they can handle—

and they believe

casual injustice
and savage diagnosis
can be kept

to a minimum.

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